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The Book

Highlights and Noteworthy/Newsworthy Observations from:
Mitt - Set Our People Free …
A 7th Generation Mormon's Plea for Truth
 By Michael D. Moody

This book is nothing less than Mike Moody's open letter to college fraternity brother Mitt Romney, the final chapter in a correspondence begun between the two former classmates and Cougar Club brothers in 1999 …

There are many newsworthy observations in the book - as well as some startling (but well-sourced in 10 pages of end-notes) allegations about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), better known to the world as the Mormon Church. Below are a few of those insights, observations and well-documented allegations that collectively give insight into Romney's multi-year quest for the Presidency.

The Role of the Mormon Church - and a Mormon U. S. President -
In the World's Salvation …

There is a Mormon Prophecy:
A Mormon President Would Save the U. S. Constitution -
 Then "Redeem the World" for the Mormon Faith From that Exalted Position

"Joseph Smith, the Greatest Prophet since Moses, we believed, had restored the only true church to earth. Following excruciating delays dating to the nineteenth century, the LDS Church was destined to redeem the world and rule from the promised land of America. The end days were near, and we were assured the Mormon Gods were tanned, rested and ready for 2000. Those Gods had high expectations for young men like you and me. You haven't let them down."

The Mormon Charge -
A Mormon President Will
Save the Constitution

"I chugged the Mormon Kool Aid, prayed earnestly, and committed to help our generation of Mormon men save the world. A major Mormon prophecy about a White Horse and America remained unfulfilled. Like previous generation of Mormons, we were reared to believe the US Constitution needed saving, and the LDS Church would do it. We knew our reward, because of primordial valiance, was a chance to play major roles in the ensuing end day events. Jesus and "God the Father" had told the prophets, and patriarchs had told us personally."

"That the US Constitution is in eminent danger and will "hang by a thread as fine as silk fiber" in the latter days before the LDS Church rides to its rescue is a continually restated claim beginning with Joseph Smith and persisting through every subsequent Mormon generation. The Church Priesthood holders will swoop in like knights to save the Constitution then set it aside to reestablish the theocratic Kingdom created by Joseph Smith and nearly perfected by Brigham Young."

"The stated plan is to pave the way for the political Kingdom of God and Joseph Smith's version of the Millennial Kingdom on Earth. This belief was made public by Utah Senator, Orrin Hatch, during his run for President, when he said that, despite one of the most prosperous times in American history, the Church might need to step in to fill the breech should America collapse. Your own father, Mitt, also expressed the Mormon White Horse Prophecy in a similar comment decades earlier."

Mormon Beliefs about Christ,
Christians and Christianity

It has only been in the latter part of the 20th Century that the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have insidiously tried to assimilate into mainstream Christianity and pass themselves off as just another Christian denomination. Historically speaking, members preferred not to be included with any other Christian denomination. Mormons have actually always claimed to be Christians - just the only true ones, because all other denominations were in apostasy. In fact, Joseph Smith, the Mormon church's founder, prophesized against all other religions stating "all wrong ... all their creeds were an admonition in his sight, and that those professors (Christians) were all corrupt" (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith, 2:18)

"According to Brigham Young's proclamations dispersed in the Journal of Discourses, Brigham Young and our early cult leaders skipped Bible class when they preached the blasphemous doctrine that God, Jesus and Adam were all polygamists. These uneducated seers ditched geography class then announced that, instead of south of Baghdad, the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri where the Mormon's New Jerusalem will be built. Brigham Young led Mormons further astray when he spent twenty-five years teaching that Adam is God, our Heavenly Father, in addition to being Michael the Archangel, the Ancient of Days."

Jesus and Lucifer - Brothers?
To the Mormons, Yes ...

In 2007, Mike Huckabee was accused by Mitt Romney's campaign of being a bigot when he asked, in a press interview, if Mormons believed that Jesus and Lucifer were brothers. He recanted, apparently not knowing that this is exactly what Mormons believe.

"Mormons were taught as children that Lucifer is our big brother - the second born after Jesus - who presented God the Father with an earthly plan to force humanity into righteousness and mandatory salvation. In response, Jesus countered with his plan of "free agency," which our Heavenly Father accepted for his spirit children over Lucifer's plan. We primordial intelligences purportedly cheered our approval when informed we would be allowed to come to earth, knowing Jesus would die for our sins and redeem us."

(Validation - Dean Brown writes: "The central and unique feature of Mormon theology is their belief in a "pre-mortal" existence. They believe that all human beings, along with Lucifer and his angels, began as the spiritual sons and daughters of God. Jesus was the firstborn of all our siblings, Lucifer was the second-born. For billions of years, we were all spirit-being siblings, but then we held a special conference and decided that in order to give God the greatest glory, we should each live out a fleshly experience were we had free will.").

For further validation and explanation of Mormon beliefs on the kinship of Jesus and Lucifer, go to the end of this document.

Was Jesus Christ a Polygamist?
Mitt's Ancestor -
An Original Joseph Smith-Appointed Apostle -
Said Yes …

Orson Pratt - an ancestor of Mitt Romney's - his great-great-great uncle - one of the original Twelve Apostles appointed by Joseph Smith himself and Brigham Young's Number Two (second in command) … boldly announced, when "moved by the spirit," that "the great Messiah, who was the founder of the Christian religion, was a polygamist."

As an aside, Orson did not succeed Brigham Young as Prophet because he'd briefly left the church in the early 1840s when Prophet Joseph Smith hit on Orson's wife, Sarah - and by leaving the church, he lost his seniority. Orson's older brother and Mitt's great-great-grandfather, Parley P. Pratt, was also one of Joseph Smith's Twelve Apostles - in 1857, Parley was murdered by the jealous husband of his 12th wife.

Another of Brigham Young's Second Counselors, Jedediah M. Grant, once proclaimed that "A belief in the doctrine of plurality of wives caused the persecution of Jesus and his followers."

A Different Jesus,
A Different God …

"Mormon President - and living prophet - Gordon Hinckley, along with Apostle Dallen Oakes, admit that Mormons believe in a different Jesus, not the Christ found in original Biblical Gospels who actually lived in Biblical times. In 1995, Oakes told members that Mormons believe in a different God, or Gods, than Christians. Then, in 2002, Living Prophet and LDS President Hinckley said the Church doesn't believe in the same Jesus worshipped throughout Christendom. At the Church's 2007 Fall Conference, Hinckley stated God and Jesus are two separate physical beings."

The Heavenly "Charge" of the
 Mormon Missionary Priesthood

"As a new Cougar Club member, I resolved to swim in formation with the Returned Missionaries and prepare for whatever the Mormon Gods directed. Heady days for young men who held the restored holy Priesthood and were foreordained before birth to help usher in the Millennium and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ."

The Secret Mormon Oath

In addition to some rather blood-curdling threats of violent death should they break their oath of silence and reveal the nature of their blood-oath to the LDS Church, all adult members swear:

"I promise that I will sacrifice my time, talents, and all I may now or hereafter possess of to the upbuilding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."

Another section of this secret, sacred oath reads as follows: "…You do consecrate yourselves, your time, talents and everything which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the building up of the Kingdom of God ON THE EARTH for the establishment of Zion."

There are many who believe that it is impossible for Mormons to honor their sacred oath to the LDS church and at the same time honor an oath sworn to the United States. In case of a conflict, true Mormons will - under pain of death (per terms of their own oath) default to their Mormon oath.

What the Mormon Oath
 Means to Mitt Romney …

Under the condition of the oath sworn to by all Mormon adults, they are subject to the dictates of the Living Prophet, speaking as the oracle of Jesus Christ. With that in sharp focus, where does this leave Mitt Romney?

"Mitt, you have been willing to spend a portion of your quarter billion dollar fortune on the Presidential campaign. Would you title everything if Gordon Hinckley said your resources were needed to build the kingdom? Would you do it if Hinckley said Jesus commanded it?"

The answer to that question defines the man, Mitt Romney. If Mitt Romney is elected, it may also define the President.

The Mormon Oath and President Mitt Romney

Mormons swear to put their Church, and the rulings of their Living Prophet, ahead of all other oaths and commitments - and some hold that this puts Mitt Romney in a bind, since it could conflict with his Presidential Oath of Office - in spite of what Mitt suggested in his "religion" speech made at the Bush Center in December, 2007.

As Mike Moody says in his book, "No Mormon can lead this nation into the twenty-first century with his mind and heart captivated by a nineteenth century cult focused on keeping its members uninformed, fighting civil rights for minorities and lobbying to suppress scientific development."

One of those who holds that Mitt's religion speech suggests something his Mormon oath denies is Steve Benson, grandson of the late "Living Prophet" and long-time President of the LDS, Ezra Taft Benson - and a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for an Arizona newspaper. This was made clear in a December, 2007 interview published in Editor & Publisher:

In his talk, Romney said "I believe in my Mormon faith" while also noting that the church's "teachings" would not influence his decisions if elected president.

"Yeah, right," responded Benson, adding that "Romney also believes in misrepresenting what his Mormon Church actually espouses."

He told E&P that, in his view, a Mormon believer is required by church doctrine (as dictated by the church's "living prophet") to "obey God's commands" over anything else. He said "Romney, like all 'temple Mormons,' made his secret vows using Masonic-derived handshakes, passwords, and symbolic death oaths that he promised in the temple never to reveal to the outside world" - and that Romney also secretly vowed to devote his "time, talents" and more "to the building of the Mormon religion on earth."

So, said Benson, the only way Romney could be truly independent of the church as U. S. president would be to disavow Mormon doctrine. "He hasn't done that," said the Creators Syndicate-distributed cartoonist.

"When Mitt says he belongs to a church that doesn't tell him what to do, that's false; it's a 24/7, do-what-you're-told-to-do church," asserted Benson, who won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning in 1993.

For more on the Mormon Oath, check out:
Mormon Oath

Mormon Oath and the Presidency

Masonry Leaders

Ex-Mormon's Journey

The implications of a Mormon Presidency, with a man holding dual loyalties - sworn to by separate sacred oaths - are serious and troubling. As Mike Moody wrote in the book:

"Mitt, you continued the family ecclesiastical participation by serving as a Bishop and Stake President, yet you regularly distance yourself from Mormonism when speaking before certain groups. In one breath, you state you aren't running for President as a Mormon and then bristle defensively if someone questions whether you're a devout Mormon.

"Mitt, you are a devout Mormon, a true believer, married in the temple - and your freedom to dissent or ignore council from the General Authorities is limited. In the Law of Sacrifice portion of the Mormon Endowment Ceremony, you and other faithful members kneeled in the temple and agreed "to sacrifice all that we possess, even our own lives if necessary, in sustaining and defending the Kingdom of God." Former First Presidency member, J. Reuben Clark, whose name is emblazoned on the BYU Law School, said of the Church, "This is not a democracy, this is not a republic, this is a kingdom of God." Mitt, you have sworn allegiance to another power! If elected President, would you uphold the rule of law or prepare America for the Millennium and the Mormon version of the Kingdom of God on earth? With no foreign policy experience except a Mormon Mission, as President, will you be more inclined to help export Mormonism than to develop an integrated international vision that prioritizes policies to solve future problems for our secular nation?

"Mitt, you swore the Mormon oath of the Law of Consecration. You kneeled at the temple alter and covenanted to consecrate yourself, your time, talents, and everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, for the building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth and for the establishment of Zion. The term "the Church" has always been synonymous with "the Kingdom," which since inception, pursued the goal of a one-world government under Mormon paternalistic priesthoods. Has that changed? American values and Mormon values never coincided because a democratic republic and free enterprise system were historically too messy for Mormon leaders."

Mitt and Politics
 Yes or No?

"This was why I was startled in 2006 to read your words quoted in The American Spectator, "I have to admit I did not think I was going into politics." In November, 2007, you made similar comments at town hall meetings in Marshalltown, Iowa and Las Vegas."

"Did you change your mind as your business career developed, and then decided to follow your earlier plan to be President after all?"

The Long Run …
Mitt First Announces for U. S. President …
in 1971

"Mitt, we graduated from Brigham Young University thirty seven years ago … in 1970-71, I remember the Cougar Club buzzed that you planned to run for President someday. Early and aggressively, you began your long-planned push for the U. S. Presidency."

"After making all the right business moves and a few snazzy dance steps to the political right, you were suddenly a top tier contender for the Republican nomination with significant insider support and a freshly reinvented persona. The ultimate goal for which you so long strived suddenly became within the realm of possibility."

"As President of Cougar Club in 1970-71, you had decided you should be President of the United States, having asked the brethren; "If not you, then who?" Everyone, including me, agreed. So, I decided serving as Nevada Governor or Senator before being appointed to your cabinet to start the millennium sounded like a reasonable plan. After all, (our church had taught us that) we were two of the greatest "organized intelligences" to ever come to earth from the preexistence."

Fraternity Brothers

"I have vivid memories of our year together in the BYU Cougar Club, and recall your graduation admonition not to settle for Gerber's mush. You had returned from your mission a year earlier, and I returned from five adventurous years off campus."

(NOTE: Instead of undertaking a conventional Mormon "mission," Mike chose to serve in the US military, planning to defend democracy while converting his heathen fellow soldiers. He was decorated in Vietnam before monitoring communications lines for the Paris Peace Talks, but did not save many souls)

"Once again attending what we half jokingly called the Only True School (Brigham Young University), it was an important time for me. The Church wanted no Greek fraternities on campus to compete with its myth fraternity, so we joined the Cougar Club. I hadn't performed my rite of passage - a Mormon mission
- but was accepted into the elite club and met you."

More on Jesus and Lucifer
 "Brothers" According to the Mormon Faith

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee caught flack for asking, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" Instead of a straight answer, he got deflections and suggestions that he was smearing the Mormon Faith, when in fact, this accurately reflects Mormon teachings about the natures of Christ and Satan.

However, in response to Huckabee's question, LDS Church spokeswoman Kim Farah is quoted by Associated Press correspondent Libby Quaid as saying that such a question is usually raised by those who wish to smear the Mormon faith rather than clarify doctrine. She goes on to say:

 "We believe, as other Christians believe and as Paul wrote, that God is the father of all... That means that all beings were created by God and are his spirit children. Christ, on the other hand, was the only begotten in the flesh and we worship him as the son of God and the savior of mankind. Satan is the exact opposite of who Christ is and what he stands for."

This is a very predictable LDS response to questions such as this: sidestep it, label it as a "smear", and then give a misleading, incomplete "clarification."

Republican candidate Mitt Romney, also responded to this question, and went so far as to suggest that that it did not accurately represent what Mormonism teaches (Hannity and Colmes, December 12, 2007.)

The problem is, the simple answer to Huckabee's question is "Yes." Mormonism does teach this doctrine. Period. The LDS publication "Gospel Principles", a straightforward presentation of Mormon doctrine, says this directly in chapter 3, pp. 17 and 18:

Our Father said, "Whom shall I send?" Two of our brothers offered to help. Our oldest brother, Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, said, "Here am I, send me."

"Satan, who was called Lucifer, also came, saying, "Behold, here am I, send me..."

"After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, "I will send the first."

(See full Gospel Principles text online.) . This teaching also references the account in Abraham 3:27 from the Pearl of Great Price, one of the LDS standard works of scripture.